Question answer
How is delivery delivered?
- Delivery is carried out in 2 ways through the EMC service and delivery through the Transport company. Suppliers are sent to the Kitems general warehouse, where the goods are packaged and transferred to the appropriate transport companies. See here for more details.
How is payment made?
- Payment is possible in several ways PayPal, bank cards VISA, MasterCard, bank transfer SWIFT, money transfer Western Union.
See here for more details.
How to see wholesale prices
- to view wholesale prices, you must be registered as a “Wholesaler” in order to obtain the status of a Wholesaler, you must provide all the necessary data (scan of your IP or LLC, full name, online store or sale page) to gain access. Terms of consideration of access 1-2 days.
What gives the account "Wholesaler"
After granting the status of Wholesaler, you get access to the order at prices from the manufacturer, access to delivery through transport companies and other privileges of the Wholesaler.
What guarantees do you provide?
- We are the guarantor of the delivery of your goods between the Seller and the Buyer. All Sellers undergo Legal accreditation and if the ordered goods are not sent, we will refund your funds.
How to get certificates?
- All sellers are manufacturers or distributors, therefore, they have the necessary quality certificates. Certificates are available upon request after ordering a product of a particular brand.
Are there stickers in Russian or another language?
- All products are delivered directly by suppliers and we do not provide translation services, but some manufacturers already have inserts in Russian and other languages.
What are the expiration dates?
We only ask suppliers for the best expiration dates. If bad expiration dates of less than 1 year are found, then we request goods with a fresh expiration date. We are additionally involved in checking goods before shipment.
Who are Sellers?
Sellers - a manufacturer or distributor of goods on display, the seller himself regulates the price from the minimum quantity, from the box, from 5 or 10 pcs. To obtain the status of the Seller, the seller is registered on the site and after providing all the necessary documents gets access to the goods. All sellers are legally registered and are responsible for the information provided and the goods provided.