FAQ Seller
How to register with the seller?
- For Seller Registration, click Seller Registration at the bottom of the seller category.
What do you need to register as a seller?
- For registration to be successful, you need to have a legal entity in South Korea. All registrations are checked and confirmed by the site administration. Usually review of the application 1-2 days. You must provide a business license scan for approval.
How to display your product?
- It will be very easy for the seller to display goods on our website, you do not need to know programming, you can easily and simply display your goods. We put down instructions for working on the site.
Can I sell wholesale or retail?
- Yes, you can sell both wholesale and retail. Our service is specifically designed for retail and wholesale sales at the same time. Exposing from 1 pcs, you can set a retail price for an ordinary buyer and wholesale for a customer Wholesaler. Wholesale prices a simple buyer will not be able to see.
You can set the minimum quantity at different prices, for example, for a wholesaler from 10 pcs one price, from 100 pcs a different price.
What is the commission for the seller?
- No commission, the seller pays only for the subscription
How will I get money from sales?
- Funds are credited by agreement with you after sending the goods to Kitems warehouse or 2 times a month on the 15th and 30th day of the month.
How can I bring my product to the main page of the site to attract customers.
- You can discuss the cost of raising the product to the main page with the site administration. The service is paid separately.
Can I send the goods for export?
- Yes, you can send the order yourself by providing us with an export declaration. In the case of 1 pc, you can send by any means EMS, KoreaPost, Kpacket yourself or by sending us a warehouse for subsequent shipment to the client.